Look on the Limited Submission Programs overview page for more information about the UNH process for selection of applicants to LSPs and special considerations when applying to foundations and other not-for-profit sponsors.
For any of the programs shown in the tables below, send an email to the contact provided to get more information or to indicate your interest in applying.
**New** or **UPDATED** indicates that an item has been added on or after 3/5/2025
This list is updated at the beginning of each month, however additions/updates occasionally may be made in between regular updates.
"Number of Proposals Available" is up-to-date as of the current date.
Opportunities are grouped as:
- Federal Sponsors
- Non-profit Sponsors
- Programs with Open (Rolling) Deadlines
Federal Sponsors
Contact: Michael Thompson or other person indicated
Deadline |
Sponsor |
Program |
# Proposals |
# Proposals |
Withdrawn by USDA for review |
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) | Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program | 1 | Contact Amy Loader, Interim Director of Cooperative Extension, if you are interested in applying |
Withdrawn by USDA for review |
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) | Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Competitive Grants Program | 1 | 1 |
Withdrawn by USDA for review |
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) | Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program | 2 | 2 |
Withdrawn by USDA for review |
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) | Crop Protection and Pest Management Competitive Grants Program | 1 | 1 |
**NEW DATE** 3/11/2025 |
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) | Grants for Arts Projects | 1 proposal for this or Jul 2025 deadline |
1 |
Withdrawn by USDA for review |
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) | Higher Education Challenge Grants Program | 1 | 1 |
**Reinstated** 3/25/2025 |
National Science Foundation (NSF) | Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program | 2 as lead organization on a non-collaborative proposal OR as a lead organization, non-lead organization, or subawardee on a collaborative proposal |
2 |
3/26/2025 | National Science Foundation (NSF) | Scholarships in STEM Network (S-STEM-Net) - S-STEM Research Hubs | 1 as a single institution, a subawardee, or a member of a collaborative research project |
1 |
4/1/2025 | National Science Foundation (NSF) | NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory - Quantum Testbeds (NQVL) -- Quantum Science and Technology Demonstrations (QSTD): II. Design & Implementation | 1 | 1 |
4/8/2025 | National Science Foundation (NSF) | EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII): EPSCoR Research Fellows | 4 |
1 Contact Michael Thompson ASAP |
**NEW** 8/12/2025 |
National Science Foundation (NSF) |
EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence Research Infrastructure Improvement (E-RISE RII) |
1 | Internal Competition is underway LOI due April, 11, 2025 Details |
Non-profit Sponsors
Contact: Laura Chisholm or Katie Riley or other person indicated
Deadline |
Sponsor |
Program |
# Proposals |
# Proposals |
**NEW** 3/11/2025 LOI |
Russell Sage Foundation | Social Science Research Core Programs (BSDMC, REI) and Special Initiatives (III, SCD23) |
Varies | n/a |
3/25/2025 LOI |
Alfred P Sloan Foundation | Interdisciplinary Social Science Research on Energy System Interactions in the United States | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 4/1/2025 Stage 1 |
Brady Education Foundation | Existing Program Evaluations (EPE) or Research Projects | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 4/8/2025 LOI |
Donahue Foundation | Another Look 2025: Research to Improve Health for Older Adults in Long Term Care Facilities | Varies | n/a |
4/15/2025 | Whitehall Foundation | Neurobiology Research Grants and Grants in Aid Supports basic research investigations (excluding clinical) of neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. |
Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 4/16/2025 |
The Spencer Foundation | Research Grants on Education - Small | Varies | n/a |
4/24/2025 Rolling until July 2026 |
Burroughs Wellcome Fund | Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 4/29/2025 LOI |
The Donahue Foundation | Greater Value Portfolio (Healthcare Systems) | Varies | n/a |
5/1/2025 | Retirement Research Foundation | Research Grants Research to improve the well-being of older adults and/or their caregivers |
Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 5/7/2025 LOI |
William T Grant Foundation | (Major) Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 5/7/2025 LOI |
William T Grant Foundation | Research Grants on Reducing Inequality | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 5/15/2025 |
Simons Foundation | Pivot Fellowship for faculty to explore a new discipline within the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, data science or computer science | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** May 2025 Intent to Apply |
Spencer Foundation | Racial Equity Research Grants | Varies | n/a |
**NEW** 5/15/2025 Intent to Apply |
Spencer Foundation | Research grants on education - Large | Varies | n/a |
6/4/2025 | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation | Systems for Action: Community-Led Systems Research to Address Systemic Racism | Varies | n/a |
Open (Rolling) Deadlines --- Proposals Accepted Any Time
Sponsor |
Program |
Contact |
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | Energy and Environmental Research | Laura Chisholm or Katie Riley |
Josiah Macy Foundation |
Simons Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |
Exploring Equitable Futures |